Category Archives: Encouragemnet

The Overcomers Life

Thursday, January 12, 2006

One more lap…

Amazed at how dead things come back to life, he stood up with confidence and lifted his voice once again. “No longer dead, no longer dead” poured forth from his once parched conscience as the first rays of the morning light surfaced triumphantly from the tiny crevices and began to filter into the room. Deeply thankful he had learned to wait it out, he became emboldened by that life-preserving thought and picked up those resurrecting words and draped them over himself like a mantle, an anthem, a royal decree.
No longer dead, no longer dead…
And that is how the new day’s proclamation had been set forth, as with supernatural confidence he stepped out of himself. Every step he took, he breathed in hope and laid waste to the cacodemonic fears that had in vain tried to keep him from running the race set before him.
Welcome to the Overcomers Life!

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Filed under Encouragemnet

Blog Bug and the Blood

I’ve caught the BLOG BUG. It has crept into my nail beds and made its way into my fingertips. I want to write away all the emotions  I carry bottled up inside. I want to let loose and express the swirling thoughts rampant within. Maybe then, I will find the answers I desperately seek. Answers to the nagging questions of my soul. I need to make room and through writing I will accomplish it. It will require an inordinate amount of discipline which I am not known for but I am learning to take baby steps, slow and deliberate steps, until I arrive at the threshold of truth and freedom.

Thankfully, I may not have time on my side but I have faith to see me through and deliver me to the place I was created for. The place of wholeness. If God is for me who can be against me? Even my own worst enemy (myself) cannot stand in the way for too long. Eventually, it too must give way to the weight and insistence of Heaven’s passionate desire to love me unconditionally. When you experience such dogged determination on the behalf of the one who died and rose again for you, well let me just say, you are fighting a losing battle. A battle which in the end was futile in taking up and attempting to fight. Herein lies my faith; He who began a good work in me will bring it to completion. I just love it when unquestionable and completely unmerited tokens of God’s word finally start to permeate the hard surfaces of a man’s spirit and eventually wins him over. Over to the light, the light of full acceptance.

In short, I know that I know, that I know, I will be more than alright in the end. This is not a question or a hope but the embrace of faith tells me so. I hear the voice of my Beloved and with unshakable assurance it speaks confidently to me: ” You were bought with a price. Redemption price. Irrevocable price. The price of Sacrificial love.

This note has been dipped in the Blood.

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