The Night The Angel Visited Me

Sunday, February 19, 2006

His whole being shone with brilliant light as he laughed and sat at the edge of my bed and spoke.
” Believe me when I tell you, Champion, that I have nothing on you. We long to experience what you do on a daily basis. Yes, this may sound ludicrous and downright impossible to you, but we watch your every step and how we wish we had what you possess”. And before I could speak, he answered ” Free will…the choice to do as you please. You see, we were created to do His will and His will alone, no questions asked. He commands and we immediately obey. Yes, I know that you have read and heard that a long, long time ago, a third of my kind rose up in rebellion and were ultimately cast down for it. But that was long ago and never again has it even come close to that horrific battle of the wills. Don’t misunderstand me, we are content and truly full of joy to do His bidding, for he truly is easy to please, contrary to what you may have heard, but all the same we look at you, Son of Adam, as well as the Daughters of Eve, with great wonder and awe…simply because you make choices every day.”
Sensing my confusion as I tried to fathom the wonder of it all, he spoke again, tenderly and with great peace:
“With every choice you make, with every desire to do good, and to obey, you bring yourself closer to his fiery heart. His heart of passion and desire for you. In short, we were not designed to bring such joy and intense emotion as you and your kind does. You possess the power to move his heart to the heights as well as to cause him intense sorrow. We cannot fathom it, even though we are privileged to join him fully in His emotions. We laugh with him over you, dance and shout with joy with him over you, as well as weep with him over you every step of the way. Heaven, dear one, the throne room, is full of emotion! Yes, filled with rapture, as you call it” he said with a smile. And with that he rose and extended his wings to the farthest corners of the room and uttered these last words:
“Be not jealous or envious of my position, and think not more highly of me than you do of yourself, because I tell you the truth as I share this message of encouragement with you. We prepare a place with him, for you and all the others, where you will all sit with him for all of eternity and delight yourselves in one another. An eternal holy love affair greater and more worthy than these wings that you look upon now with amazement. These wings are my portion and my delight but they cannot compare to the future glory that lays waiting and in store for you. So be of good courage. Cheer up! Stop wishing for what was not meant to be. Trust in the greater plan and design of things. You’ll be glad you did and because of it, live more at peace in the here and now. Trust.”
And with those words he wrapped himself up in his massive wings and rose up like the morning dew, leaving behind the aroma of green pastures after a gentle rainfall as I closed my eyes and gave thanks for the knowledge that I was so loved. I placed my right hand under my pillow and continued to rest knowing full well that weeping may endure for the night but joy will definitely come in the morning.


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2 responses to “The Night The Angel Visited Me

  1. This really happen, didn’t it? What a blessing and so encouraging!

    Thank you for blogging it!

    your sis in Christ,

    • Yes, it did. I refuse to believe it didn’t since it was such an amazing experience to behold.
      You are welcome, my sister. May you too have encounters like this and may they draw you nearer to Him who loves us!

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